By Claudia John, project director, Institute of Gerontology
In November, the Institute of Gerontology launched a winter coat drive. I am pleased to share
that we collected 45 new coats. The Institute of Gerontology donated 40
of the coats to Life Pieces to Master Pieces, a non-profit organization that
serves African American boys in Ward 7. I had the opportunity
to attend their Holiday Celebration and it was a wonderful event. There were over 130 young men in attendance, several of whom asked for a hug. One young man in
particular gave me a big hug and he said “thank you for the coats." The young man was seven years old. I was so touched by the genuine
love of the young men, they are an awesome group of young men. In
addition, the president of the organization, presented me with a piece of art created by the young men. The piece is on display in the
reception area in IOG. I am very grateful for the opportunity to
partner with such an organization.

The Institute of Gerontology recently held its end of the year In-Service
Training for nearly 70 senior volunteers. UDC student organizations SOAR and the 9:30 Club spoke to the seniors about health matters.