For someone who has not visited Haiti it is difficult to
even begin to describe. Miles and miles; street to street piles of garbage
stern out from the villages of the city. Skews of children and women walk miles
carrying, 5-gallon pails of water to their homes for basic needs: drinking,
cleaning, and washing clothes. As the poorest nation in the western hemisphere
and one of the most disadvantaged in the world, Haiti has to deal with issues
of poverty including water and food scarcity on a daily basis. Life in Haiti is
not easy.
Despite the strong efforts and billions of dollars invested
by many international aid agencies and governments, aid remains far away from
having uniform basic needs. Sponsored by the Brethren Global Crisis Funds Mission
and Service arm of the Church of the Brethren, the focus of the project was
learning about the building bridges of partnerships among the Haitians and with
the U.S. leaders.
Brethren Global Crisis Funds recognizes the need to have good
technical expertise married with good intentions. Over the past couple years, as
a graduate landscape architecture student at University of Maryland, I have collaborated
and provided technical guidance of water and agriculture projects for the
Brethren Church Global Funds Mission. I was joined on the trip by my former
professor and now colleague Dr. Christopher Ellis (University of Maryland's
Plant Science and Landscape Architecture) and we presented our ongoing work and
research collaboration with the Church of the Brethren.
Watch Harris discuss the project. Continue reading for more on the project design.
Watch Harris discuss the project. Continue reading for more on the project design.
Despite travel into remote areas, our group spent two
mornings visiting rural communities, meeting local leaders. We saw two recently completed pure water
projects (a capped spring in Acajou and a system for harvesting and treating
rain water in Morne Boulage) I helped to advise and design, each serving
500-700 people. Additionally, along the visit, we met with newly trained rural
health workers, saw recently installed medical dispensaries, and experienced
the warm hospitality of congregations.
I also presented to the group a session entitled “Improving Health and Lowering Mortality
Rates through Pure Water.” Throughout our travels, Dr. Ellis and I spoke
with leaders from the Brethren Church about opportunities for broader
collaboration between the Global Funds Mission of Church of the Brethren
University of District of Columbia and University of Maryland. Our ongoing work
will provide opportunities for students to participate in the design and
research of ongoing water and agriculture projects.
Harris Trobman can be reached at harris.trobman@udc.edu.
Harris Trobman can be reached at harris.trobman@udc.edu.
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