By Dr. Sabine O’Hara, Dean of CAUSES and Director of Landgrant Programs

Our current goals address challenging issues like improving food security, food and water safety, mitigating climate change, alternative energy, and comba
But why
would urban agriculture and urban sustainability be such a great focus for our
work? Are they really relevant to the District of Columbia? The U.S. Department
of Agriculture defines Food Security as "Access by all people at all times
to enough nutritious food for an active, healthy life.” Low food security
refers to a diet of reduced quality, variety or desirability for some
populations. To achieve food security, food must be (1) readily available at
all times to all people, and (2) be high in nutritional value so that it can
sustain health, wellness and energy. Our food system is vulnerable on both
First, many
households lack access to fresh produce. Secondly, our food travels long
distances. To accommodate the weeks it spends in transport and in distribution
centers, it is harvested long before it ripens and long before its nutritional
value reaches its peak. Eight census tracks in D.C. qualify as outright food
deserts. This means that fresh food is simply unavailable. Of the 520 food
retailers in D.C., 88% do not offer any fresh produce, and only 12% offer an
adequate variety of fresh food to support a healthy diet. The Household Food Security Survey conducted
by the USDA indicates that 13% of D.C. households are food insecure; 19%
experience food hardship; and 37% of households with children are unable to
afford enough nutritious food. This is the highest rate of food insecurity
among children in the U.S. And this is the state of affairs on a normal day.
What if a natural disaster cuts off the delivery of food to the District? Or
what if someone intentionally cased harm to our highly centralized food supply?
So is food
security an important theme for D.C.? No question--it is! And central to our
ability to find solutions to challenging issues like food security is our
research farm. Over these past two years, it has morphed into a beacon of
innovation, setting the precedent for urban food production through such
innovative techniques like bio-intensive production methods, low-till box
gardens, hydroponics systems where vegetables grow in nutrient rich water
rather than in soil, and neighborhood-based aquaponic systems that link fish
production and vegetable production by using the excrement from the fish as
fertilizer for the vegetable plants thus eliminating the need to buy
fertilizer. These methods can be used to produce high yields of fresh produce
in small spaces and they can also mitigate soil contamination, which may be an
issue in urban neighborhoods.
Our research
farm tests these innovative production methods and it is fast becoming a go-to
place for anyone who wants to learn how to use them to improve their own health
and that of their families and neighbors, while also making a living. Assessing
the economic viability of urban agriculture is as much of a focus of our work
as its technical viability; and food preparation, nutrition education and
entrepreneurship are as much of a focus of our work as food production
Yet the
success of the farm and the Center for Urban Agriculture to which it belongs
organizationally could not be accomplished without the help of the other
divisions in CAUSES. This is where our interdisciplinary collaborations shine.
Beyond the farm, the Nutrition and Dietetics program and the Center for
Nutrition, Diet and Health teach District residents about the importance of
healthy food that can still be delicious; the Center for Sustainable
Development links food production to water management by increasing porous
surfaces in urban neighborhoods, and explores marketing channels like farmers
markets and ethnics and specialty foods markets; the Department of Architecture
and Community planning, coupled with the Architectural Research Institute,
provide the necessary design know-how for our unique greenhouses or for turning
small plot of urban land into productive agricultural land; Nursing and Health Education help bridge the
connection between preventative health, healthy living environments and
physical activity; and the Center for 4-H and Youth Development draws on all of
our programs to bring cutting edge, experiential learning opportunities to young
people in every Ward of the District.
As we like to say in CAUSES, the
community is our classroom, our research is shaped by our everyday environment,
and our local job market is global and knowledge-based. We don't just talk
about thinking in systems, working in diverse teams, and focusing on
connectivity and innovation, we do it every day. We invite you to join us on
our journey!
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