Submission Eligibility: Eligible proposals must have a Principal Investigator who is a faculty member or researcher affiliated with any DC area university, including any of the schools within the DC University Consortium, including American, Catholic, George Washington, Georgetown, Howard, and UDC. Principal Investigators from any other universities should contact DCWRRI regarding eligibility.
Submission Requirements: Proposals must be submitted electronically in Microsoft Word to no later than 5:00 p.m. November 14, 2014. A proposal must follow the DCWRRI Seed Grant Proposal Guidelines and must include a completed Budget Breakdown Form, all available here. Please note the following:
- The maximum amount of funds requested cannot exceed $10,000.00.
- A 1:2 federal to non-federal match must be provided. The total federal match includes funding from the USGS/DCWRRI Seed Grant program as well as any other federal funds.
- Projects may include both cash and “in-kind” match. University indirect costs are typically waived in this program. If the associated university allows waiver of indirect costs, these costs may be used as an in-kind match.
- Preference will be given to research proposals that include cash and/or in-kind matching by non-university District stakeholders.
- All proposed research must demonstrate student training potential and identify proposed student involvement.
- Preference will be given to research proposals addressing issues identified by the DCWRRI Advisory Board shown in Section 3.
- All Seed Grant recipients must provide a report in the appropriate USGS format and must include a conference presentation, article and/or journal publication on DCWRRI-supported research.
- Innovative, multidisciplinary research approaches are encouraged, as are projects involving multiple university collaborators within the District of Columbia.

Review Process, Award and Completion Dates: Proposals will be reviewed by a Technical Advisory Committee which includes the DCWRRI Stakeholder Advisory Board. Selected research projects will be submitted by DCWRRI to the USGS in mid-January 2015 for the award announcement in February 2015. Funds are expected to be available in March 2015. Projects must be completed no later than February 28, 2016.
Additional submission guidelines are available here. Questions should be addressed to DCWRRI Director, Dr. Tolessa Deksissa, at (202) 274-5273.
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